
horizontal is an organization that explores the conceptualization, implementation, and disclosure of collaborative design tools as a tactic to achieve social justice. It was developed to think on strategies for spatial intervention where aspirations for every person can be recognized. It is a model of design practice that aims to foster actions to promote the interconnection of local networks in rural and urban contexts as well.

This way of looking at design as social practice exceeds the classic form in which space is thought. The aim is to enhance the search for justice, diversity, equality, education, environmental adaptation and development of social capital. Its work is based on the production of theory and practice across multiple disciplines.

horizontal seeks to conceive scenarios that support the development of social capital in order to generate integral scenarios and a more significant social impact. horizontal generates four tools that consolidate their design process.


Participatory workshops

Actor maps

Living laboratories

Communication design


This foundation was developed by Carlos Medellín, Laura Jaramillo, and Giancarlo Mazzanti

Branding and Website by Carlos Medellín + Montenegro Studio


Sebastian Rivera, Sara Vera, Pierre Puentes, Steff Cañón, Ruben Gómez and Juan Sebastián Quevedo


Nicolás Paris, Maria Victoria Londoño, Montenegro Studio, Columbia GSAPP and Universidad de los Andes

Web Page: